Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Stickers and Buttons and Stickers Oh My!

Thanks to my BFF Bette Lucas and White Rabbit Printing in Bloomington, I now have small 9" by 2" bumper stickers and buttons

(Photos not to scale!)

The price?

Nada. Zilch. Nought. Zero. Nothing.

After following this blog or following, liking and sharing my Facebook page. (www.facebook.com/maryannhopeneedsakidneydonor), all I need from you is a message or comment. 

Just let me know how many small bumper stickers, flyers, bookmarks, info cards with or without cute origami holders and buttons you feel you can use.

Give things away, then ask for more!
Remember to tell me your mailing address!

I always have a button on my hat or purse so I can give them away.

Thank you so much!  I am so grateful for your help!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

I Need Your Help Posting, Sharing and Placing

I need help getting the word out that I need a kidney donor! In case you haven't heard, my kidneys are finally losing our half-decade+ battle with lupus. To read my story, see the blog post of 10-07-17, "Why I Need a Transplant - My Kidneys are Wimps."

My friend Bette Lucas has designed some sparky, spunky items to help get the word out. White Rabbit Printing in Bloomington, Indiana is printing everything for me.

Bumper stickers and buttons will be ready next week.

For now there are flyers loaded with info cards, (pushpins included.)


                                     and info cards 
                                                    with origami holders
Please follow this blog (upper right) or share my page at www.facebook.com/maryannhopeneedsakidneydonor 

Then comment here or IM me on Facebook to let me know your address and how many of each item you can post, place or give away.
  • Flyers with info cards
  • Packet of 20 Info cards
  • Info cards with holders
  • Bookmarks

I appreciate anything you can do to help!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Coming Next Week! A Contest You Are Guaranteed to Win!

The big contest begins next week!

Your chances for winning this bumper sticker are one in one!
Your chances for winning buttons, book marks, 
flyers and info cards are also one in one!

How do you enter this fabulous contest? Simply go to www.facebook.com/maryannhopeneedsakidneydonor and RESHARE my page. Then message me how many of each item you want along with your mailing address.
FOLLOW this blog, maryannhopeneedsakidneydonor.blogspot.com 

Then use 'comments' at the bottom of this post to let me know 
how many of each item you want along with your mailing address. 

I really need to get the word out that I am looking for a kidney donor.  I am going to plaster my car with bumper stickers, but I certainly do not expect that from anyone else!
  • Flyers loaded with information cards can be posted on community, church or teacher's lounge bulletin boards.
  • Bumper stickers can go on your car bumper, trunk, back window or your horse trailer.  
  • Put a little stack of book marks in your public library. 
  • Display a stack of info cards in an origami card holder in your business, your favorite restaurant or on your desk at work. 
  • Buttons are great on purses, hats, jackets, coats, dance bags or anything made of fabric. 
  • Get things for your friends so they can also participate! 


                                                Flyers loaded with two-sided information cards

  Info Cards in a handmade origami holder
RESHARE facebook.com/maryannhopeneedsakidneydonor
FOLLOW this blog
message me or write in 'comments':
how many of each item 
along with your mailing address


All of these fabulous items were designed by Bette Lucas 
and are being printed by White Rabbit Printing in Bloomington, IN
They will be ready next week.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Size Doesn't Matter. Just Act Your Age

Because I am pre-transplant, I was on the Transplant Floor when I was in University Hospital in Indy getting rid of the Alien Baby. One day I was so happy to meet Dr. Goggins, head of the Kidney Transplant Team.  (He may have been referred to as Dr. Surgeon in the Alien Baby post.)

He said, "You are a lucky woman!  You will be able to receive a kidney a lot of other people will not be able to."


Dr. G told me that because I am a small person, I can receive a small, medium or large kidney.  A small kidney can do the work I need.

If I were a large person, I would need a large kidney.  A small one could not do the work a large person needs. So I can have a great big man kidney or a small woman kidney. In my case, size doesn't matter. Lucky!

I am seventy.  The average life expectancy for a female in the USA is about seventy-nine.    

A living donor kidney functions, on average, twelve to twenty years. The lower the number of functioning years basically equals an older donor. I do not need or want a kidney from a young person that will last for decades. Do the math.

The bottom line is, an older healthy person can absolutely donate their small, medium or large kidney.

Of course the selection process is a bit more complicated,  I just don't want anyone to think that just because they are a little long in the tooth (horse talk), they are automatically eliminated as a donor.

For more information about giving the Gift of Life, contact my exceptional team at IU Health Transplant Center at University Hospital in Indianapolis:  800 382 4602 or 317 944 4370  or online at www.iuhealth.org/transplantPlease mention my name, Mary Ann Hope.

And please follow, like and share my Facebook 

There is a 'Follow' button on the upper right side of this page to follow my blog.

Mary Ann