facebook.com/maryannhopeneedsakidneydonor. Sharing my page and story CONTINUES to help me. Thank you for sharing - please don't stop!
Phase II is blanketing the state with flyers, buttons, bookmarks and bumper stickers.
I am so grateful to my Bloomington friends and family who have posted flyers and shared thingies!
Thanks to my flamenco, belly dance and yoga sisters for finding all kinds of different ways to help.
Thanks to my barn mates at Ellington Stables (We have a blast playing with our ponies!)
And thanks to my Red Hats Purple Chaps sisters for posting flyers and giving out thingies all over Indiana. (RHPC is an over 50's women's equine group. We have a blast playing with our ponies!)
I feel as though there are elves all over Indiana putting the word out on my behalf.
PHRASE III is using Craigslist and newspaper want ads.
Craigslist ads are now appearing in the twelve largest cities within a 200 mile radius of Indianapolis (St. Louis and Chicago included). I have my first newspaper ad in the Bloomington/Bedford papers.
Phase IV is yet to come! I will keep you posted!
Thank you for your help!